This is in the Hindu, Newspaper...
Extracted from Don's blog a contradictor to SRCM cult
Some of you might know my experience with "Boarding schools", you may also know that I am duty-bound to not be "silent" on the issue of Religious Boarding Schools, specially when someone I know is "supporting" the concept and the implementation with their time and money and "LOVE"...the same love that will "disarm" the kids when Religion, with it's "position" of power, merges with "education" with it's position of power. It took many generations for the abuses in the Christian communities to even come up, and be believed by anyone, and for anyone to come forward. And then it broke...
Extracted from Don's blog a contradictor to SRCM cult
Some of you might know my experience with "Boarding schools", you may also know that I am duty-bound to not be "silent" on the issue of Religious Boarding Schools, specially when someone I know is "supporting" the concept and the implementation with their time and money and "LOVE"...the same love that will "disarm" the kids when Religion, with it's "position" of power, merges with "education" with it's position of power. It took many generations for the abuses in the Christian communities to even come up, and be believed by anyone, and for anyone to come forward. And then it broke...
LOVE and OBEDIENCE are powerful weapons to be used on KIDS specially when in the hands STRANGERS with a "power" agenda because of a lack of power in their own lives....Pedophiles know that, and they are "speaking out" also and giving us their "modus operandi" and how they chose their victims...
I will speak out against this concept and request that you please try and stop the LMOS "Boarding School" if you can... or at least dare to look and find out....and speak out now...You will not see the "abuse" when and if it happens....it took a lot of "brave" boys and many shattered lives to expose the catholic Boarding School abuses.
According to a news program on the CBC (the Canadian (national) Broadcasting Corp.) there are apparently 50,000 cases of abuse in the cultish Jehovah's Witnesses community in North America alone, kept "under wraps" by the "old boys network" of the JW "elders". Now the numbers for Fundamentalist Christains are starting to come out for their "youth programs" and "value based" programs" (the new PR buzzword)
This is a message of warning from me: ascertain that this is not a "dormitory" with guardians situation where the kids are living at a "school" facility.
None of the officials will address the issue publicly... You now know, I told you. The abhyasis "Brothers and Sisters" LOVE their Master, Mission, and Method too much to dare to speak or even read un-authorized material.....read their curriculum (Value Based Spiritual Education)....None would dare bring back the Religious "residential" or Religious Boarding School concept in Canada.
Only a religious "private school" in another more stratafied society or country would dare.
See on-line, the dormitories at Lalaji Memorial Omega School at:
Leave the kids of others in the care of their own family...not religion nor the state. These are the kids of the "wealthy" with just a few token poor (or chosen, or selected, like myself), who, being out of their own "class", and hence vulnerable, will become the "victims". Some will re-adjust and survive and others will mal-adjust and become "different". And some won't survive...And hence the societal guilt to be "milked" by organizers of another gang of "Brothers and Sisters"...
Warning: LMOS becoming a BOARDING SCHOOL
From the Hindu newspaper, Feb 28, 07
The Lalaji Memorial Omega School proposes to start a week-boarder programme in the second year. Students will be provided nutritious snacks and meals on campus and transportation. Situated 5 km from the Mission's ashram in Manapakkam, the school will cater for parents looking for "quality education" for their children in the Porur-Tambaram and Kunrathur-Medavakkam belt.
Don, the webmasters comment...
Religion and Value Based Education at the Christian "Brothers and Sisters" Boarding Schools in North America became a "pedophile magnet" that brought abuse to many generations of children until with the age of "religious freedom" in the West when the "victims" began speaking to the more receptive new power of the Media.
That exposed the "scandals" that eventually brought down the "Brothers and Sisters" and their "religious boarding schools. The pedophiles that joined the "brothers and sisters" came from all around the world and specially Europe, where the "citizens" had freed themselves from the "religious yoke" a century or so earlier.
The Vatican was caught in many scandals including supporting the "oppressive" fascists because they were "catholics". The current Catholic Pope was a "Hitlerian Youth". We know of the abusive nature of that quasi-religion, quasi-cult system with it's focus on "obedience", that also has some of it's roots or tentacles in India, and Brahminism, through Madame Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society.
In my town the Brothers' (one) school is now an appartment complex, and the Sisters' (two) schools are commercial buildings. The community forced them to "leave the town" and they had to retire in another part of the country...Much the same reaction was directed to the SRCM Mission in the little french village of "Dole" in France. (the old Peugeot Castle and Headquarters of the Mission in Europe. The new headquarters are now at the Vraad Sande Castle in Denmark.
Some of the Pedophiles who are now speaking about their "disease", state that: "We make them (the kids) LOVE us, because the more they love us the less they will speak out. We also get their "mothers" to "love us".
With relgion as the "authority" teaching LOVE, and the school as the authority teaching "OBEDIENCE", the pedophile has little work to do to get the children to "love" and "obey" them.
Do not repeat the mistakes of Christian religious history. Do not support RELIGIOUS BOARDING SCHOOLS...You will have to tear them down and compensate for the victims as they gather their shattered lives. Religious boarding schools are a thing of the past in most of the developed world.
and....WHY "Lalaji Memorial OMEGA School"? Why "OMEGA"? Is it the END? as in Apocalyptic? Searching (Googling) "LMOS" brings up LIVING MODIFIED ORGANISMS....Is that it? Is it a "cryptic" show and tell in conscious or sub-conscious code? Did you guys vote on the Name? lol
PS. Lalaji Memoria OMEGA School is operated by the Baal Vatika Education Society, a entity created by the SRCM(tm). The SRCM(tm) will then not be directly "liable" for any wrongdoings. (Research the words "Baal" and "Vatika" (as in Vatican) and their meaning in Hindu and also in the cultures surrounding India)
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